Sunday, October 21, 2012

I Used to Think... But Now I Know...

Last year, Mrs. Saxon found this quote, which is perfect for our discussion about YET:

“I may not be there yet, but I’m closer than I was yesterday.” – Author unknown

I love the way we've used the phrase YET in class, and I hope we will continue these kinds of reminders.
  • Ms. Laster--my homework isn't finished.  YET!
  • I don't understand what we're doing in class...YET!
  • I don't think I'm ready for the test...YET!
  • I don't want to do this assignment...YET!

I first heard this idea at a presentation by Dr. Carol Dweck, who wrote the book Mindset.  (Have you heard me talk about growth and fixed mindsets?  Haha!  Check out her blog!)  I think this idea is very powerful, and it has changed the way I'm thinking and working, not only at school, but also at home and with family.

If you're trying to change from a growth to a fixed mindset, Dr. Dweck has these suggestions, taken from her website:
  1. Listen and realize when you are "hearing" a fixed mindset voice.  (I'll never make a hexaflexagon!)
  2. Realize you have choice--to think with a growth mindset. (...YET!)
  3. Talk back with a growth mindset.  (I'll get it if I continue to practice and if Kelly tutors me!)
  4. Take action!  (Just do it!)
Do you have a growth or fixed mindset?  Actually, for some areas, you may have a fixed mindset (mine is sports!) but for others, you may have a growth mindset.  What are you doing to change your mindset?

If you have a fixed mindset about trig identities, what can you do about it?  OR what have you done about it?  If there is something else about our class that you have learned, please share it below in the comments.  Please respond to this post with:

I used to think_______ but now I know________

You may fill in the blanks with something about trig identities or anything else about our class.

Thank you for your time!  I know I'll enjoy reading your comments!


  1. I used to think my quiz and homework grades mattered and would help raise my grade by a lot, but now I know it doesn't because tests weigh so much in this class...

    Catherine — 1st period

    1. Thank you for adding the first comment! I hope you also know that by completing the HW and reworking quiz problems, you're practicing problems to prepare for the test and to make certain that test grade is where you want it. In college, you may only have 1-2 tests per semester, and that's when test points REALLY count!

  2. I used to think that trig identities were impossible, but now i know that they are more like little puzzles that you just have to find which piece fits.

    Maddie Mae Seyer

    1. Hooray! I think those problems are like puzzles, too.

  3. I used to think that I would suffer and barely survive this class, but now I know that with a growth mindset I can exceed my own expectations.

    "To succeed you must first improve, to improve you must first practice, to practice you must first must learn, to learn you first must fail." -Wesley Woo

    Peri-1st period

    1. What a fabulous quote! Thanks for sharing, and I'm glad you now have a growth mindset about the class. :)

  4. I used to think that there was no way to study for math tests but now I know that in order to study you have to rework and drill previous homework problems for practice.
    -Morgan Dishman 3rd

    1. I agree completely! Thanks for sharing your comment, and I hope a lot of other students realize the same thing.

  5. I used to think that it was impossible to get an A on a test, but know I know that with the right amount of studying and practicing it is possible!
    Meg Ashley 3rd

  6. I used to think that just getting the material in class was enough, but I have to actually practice and do the homework now!! which isnt that bad, I'm just a little lazy :P but i'm getting it down now!

    Sansing Kaping period 1

  7. I used to think that there was only one way to learn math but now I know that there are many ways to learn math and that it can be really fun depending on who you're learning it from and who you're studying with.

    Duyen Tran- 1st Period

  8. I used to think that you could not separate a fraction into two different fractions when there is a symbol between the numbers in the numerator but now i know you can split the fraction into two different fractions with the same denominator.

    -Rubel Ghebermicael

  9. I used to think my test grades would never really get much better, but now I know that if you work on time management AND have a good grasp of the concept, it's almost a certainty that your performance will steadily improve.
    -Darian Stokes, 3

  10. I used to think that problems like proofs were close to impossible but now I know they can be solved without much trouble if they are approached the correct way.
    -Aaron Renaud 1st Period

  11. I used to think that being exempt from homework meant I didn't need to do it at all, but now I know that doing my homework is what got me that privilege in the first place.

    "To give yourself the best possible chance of playing to your potential, you must prepare for every eventuality. That means practice." -Seve Ballesteros

    Taylor W. 3rd Period

  12. I used to think I didn't have to do all my homework but now I know the more I work out problems the more I understand (usually).
    Katherine McCoy-1st

  13. I used to think I could succeed by just doing some homework but now I know I have to study
    Kelly Henry 3rd

  14. Ebenether Wondaferew- 3rdOctober 24, 2012 at 7:16 PM

    I used to think operating sin/cos and x/y was impossible but now I know that it's just like operating numbers.

  15. I used to think that I could master a skill by hearing you talk about it in class, but now I know that to really comprehend one of the units i need to practice.

    Evan Williamson 3rd

  16. I used to think I could just give up on the equations that looked hard because they were going to be too difficult to solve, but now I know that the hard problems are the ones that teach you and help you learn the most, not the easy ones.
    -Meredith McCown 3rd

  17. All of your comments are making me so happy! I think today will be at least an 8! Thank you!!

  18. I used to think I would never understand Pre-Cal , but now i realized I need to practice, do my homework , ask questions and go to tutoring in order for me to grasp the concept.

    Theresa Mendoza
    1st period

  19. I used to think that getting a good grade depended on how well I naturally understood a concept, but now I know that I can make better grades by practicing and doing my homework.

    -Will Clift 3rd

  20. I used to think I would never understand Pre-Cal but now I know it because I went to tutoring
    -Will Housewright 2nd

  21. when i frist came to the class i thought it going to be so touth because i don't know anybody in the class and i came in the middel.and i am kind of shy i can't ask any one but later on i am doing better because ms laster is helping me day come and out any time i ask her.and the class are such a nice and frindlly class spesially my i been doing bad in my past testes but now i am starting to understand and get use to it so i know i will do better in my testes and in this class in general. salem kidane 3rd period

  22. I used to think that I didn't need to go to tutoring for math but now I know that tutoring is what has helped me the most.
    Mattie Briscoe 3rd

  23. i used to think factoring was such a pain to solve any kind of equation but now i know that its actually the easiest way to solve some equations and it helps you to save a lot of extra step.

    -Gennesis Jimenez, 1st

  24. I used to think that this class would be difficult, but now I know that it really isn't if you pay attention and be flexible.

    Griff Kimball, 1st period.

  25. I used to think trig was hard but nah its not. It takes practice and patience to understand it.
    -Sam ($@M)

  26. I used to think I could get a good grade on tests without studying but now I know the importance of studying and taking time to learn the material.

    Ben Hogg 1st period

  27. Kelsey Kaigler (3rd)October 29, 2012 at 12:37 AM

    I used to think I could cram for tests and fully understand the material, but now I know that practice over time is the best way for me to really learn what we're studying and do well on the test.

  28. Bhupendra karki 1st

    I used to think pre-cal was hard but now i know that with constant effort and practice it is easy.

  29. I used to think that studying only the review was the key to a decent test grade but now I know that it helps to review and re-do your homework.

    Carter Bodell

  30. I used to think that if I didn't study for a test I could get by well enough, but because of the last two tests, I know that I need to spend more than one night or morning studying. Alison Brown

  31. I used to think that proofs and identities were impossilby hard and that I'd never understand them, but now I know that if you take it slow and one step at a time, they can be solved and even enjoyable.

    Matthew Graham

  32. I used to think that math was a waste of time and effort, but now I know that it can be fun and meaningful!

    Jacob Cocke

  33. I used to think trig identities were impossible and did not know how to decide which identity to use, but now I know how to solve them and that factoring can help solve a problem much easier

    Marla Garcia
